Talk slides

Here you can find the slides for presentations I have performed.

DevOps Days Amsterdam 2024: "Daily stand-ups will make us a DevOps team", and other fun things management says
DevOps Days, June 2024, Amsterdam

NDC Oslo 2024: An unpopular opinion: Get rid of Pull Requests!
NDC, June 2024, Oslo

Tech Passion Day: This time, they will finally realize I'm a fraud.
Tech Passion Day, June 2024, Copenhagen

Xchange 2024: An unpopular opinion: Get rid of Pull Requests!
Capgemini Xchange, January 2024, Oslo

Upskill: So you want to be a Public Speaker
Capgemini, November 2023, Stavanger

NIC Cloud Connect 2023: Securing your app's communications with Kubernetes, Azure Key Vault, and TLS certificates
NIC Cloud Connect, November 2023, Oslo

NIC Cloud Connect 2023: Automate every layer: Using Terraform to deploy, configure and maintain Azure Kubernetes clusters
NIC Cloud Connect, November 2023, Oslo

DevOps Days 2023: An unpopular opinion: Get rid of Pull Requests!
DevOps Days, October 2023, Oslo

Cloud Lunch and Learn: Securing your app's communications with Kubernetes, Azure Key Vault, and TLS certificates
Cloud Lunch and Learn, October 2023, online

Securing your app's communications with Kubernetes, Azure Key Vault, and TLS certificates
NDC, May 2023, Oslo

Securing your app's communications with Kubernetes, Azure Key Vault, and TLS certificates
DeveloperWeek Europe, April 2023, online

"Daily stand-ups will make us a DevOps team", and other fun things management says
DevOps Days, Nov 2022, Oslo

Automate every layer: Using Terraform to deploy, configure and maintain (managed) Azure Kubernetes clusters
Kubernetes Community Days, June 2022, Berlin

Real-life end-to-end building, testing and deploying of a buzzword-heavy application
Hashiconf Europe, June 2022, Amsterdam